About Lisa

Lisa has been on the Earth plane for over 50 years developing her superpower through her passi1 Columnon of healing.

She offers her gift, her superpower, of bringing the ability to see love and compassion in all situations. This will assist you in knowing how to create outcomes that support and grow connections with others. Lisa’s compassionate teaching style has helped thousands of clients see that it is possible to allow/know how to navigate conflicts, misunderstandings through another perspective.

Lisa will show you that it is possible to change the old stories of your ancestors, to gain new awareness of the historical and group conscious patterns of society and the world at large, to love and integrate wounds that were created through childhood and recognise contracts your soul chose to learn through as a soul in human form.

These old stories bring with them beliefs and patterns of having to fight, battle and struggle… Where resistance may have felt like your only option in order to just survive. You know you want to soften, open and connect but just don’t know how to and have felt like it would mean you’re giving up. Where softening has meant that what you wanted isn’t important or that you don’t matter. That connecting could only happen if you sacrificed your needs for the needs of others.

Can you resonate? Then please give yourself a break and acknowledge with me right now that you have found your way to reading this.

Are you ready to raise your conscious awareness? Are you ready to say yes to yourself? Yes to love and operating from your most divine magnificent self. Ready to wave goodbye to defeat, unworthiness, having to prove yourself, your intent, your love and holding guilt? Did you know you can be held with love, compassion and kindness?

I invite you to consider this new awareness that you can have deep loving connections with self and others without having to give your power away….

All you need to do now say is YES and be open to take a deep dive into the depth of love.

Scroll down to see pictures of Lisa’s healing space and find out more about some of the brands she recommends and loves.

The Healing Space

Lisa performs treatments and workshops at 242 Hurford Road, New Plymouth, NZ. Here is a gallery of her warm and loving healing space. Lisa looks forward to welcoming you here with love and compassion.

Want to contact Lisa or make a booking?

Lisa Recommends

Below are some of Lisa’s favourite products and companies she recommends, click through for more information. Please note the following may contain affiliate links.


How do essential oils fit with Spiritual Coaching? Both are centered around you feeling empowered to make healthy choices about your emParagraphotional, mental, spiritual, and physical aspects of self.



Healy is a medical device for the treatment of pain in chronic pain, fibromyalgia skeletal pain and migraine as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and related sleep disorders.



Healthy living to improve mind, body and skin! We believe in a holistic approach to beauty, health and wellbeing, focusing on the whole person to help them flourish inside and out.


© Lisa Lister 2024 | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions


242 Hurford Road

New Plymouth,

New Zealand 4374

+64 27 563 2828








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