ThetaHealing® is an energy healing modality, founded by Vianna Stibal. It is a mediational process that creates physical, psychological, and spiritual healing with focused prayer through the Creator. It has changed my life and the lives of many others.
Thetahealing makes life a joy. With an open heart I listen to you. I hear your words and hold space for your story.
The readings are attuned to you and your highest good. By clearing programmes and beliefs that are not serving your highest best we make space for you to know the joy of life … the possibilities of the NOW!
Future readings are given with a deep dive into what you truly want to manifest. Learn skills to support you to manifest in the highest and best way possible with harm to none and how to do this with ease and joy…..a profound modality to heal.. read… align … and manifest…
When we clear resentment, regret and rejections We make space in our mind for our psychic abilities to grown and our relationships with others deepen and strengthen By knowing our worthiness all things are possible but by knowing what our worthiness feels like We become the Master of our life, co-creating with magic, as the miracles we are ..
Theta healing has changed my life with magic and love. My wish is that you too shine without limitation, create without hesitation and accept abundance without fear.
ThetaHealing® is an energy healing modality, founded by Vianna Stibal. ThetaHealing® is a mediational process that creates physical, psychological, and spiritual healing with focused prayer through the Creator. It has changed my life and the lives of many others.
ThetaHealing® has no religious affiliation. Neither are its processes specific to any age, sex, race, colour, creed or religion. Anyone with a pure belief in Creator or the Creative Force can access and use the branches of the ThetaHealing® Tree.
By using the 7 Planes of existence, a concept that allows you to connect to the highest level of love and energy of All that is, miracles happen.
Sessions are booked for an hour with a 15 min follow up phone consultation a week later, this covers any general questions from the initial session.
We also set in motion a plan to move forward depending on what shows up in the current needs of the client.
Because each person is individual it is not advised to hold an expectation. Everyone will experience the healing differently.. (this will be discussed in the end of the session in aid of supporting your healing.)
I offer a series of four sessions and then invite a monthly check in, however you are the expert in your life and you will know what feels right.
The first session we use ThetaHealing® to uncover the origins of the issue and programmes associated, from here we mix the modalities for Craniosacral, Colour and Sound Healing, and Hakomi Trauma release (if required) and again ThetaHealing. I have found by doing this we cover the four legs of the stool: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.
My skills are multifaceted and I mix and merge.
No just come along with an open heart and open mind.. you don’t even need to be suffering from anything limiting. To have a session in a great mind state is also encouraged and we will use manifesting skills to keep the good flowing. It works for all the wonderful experiences you are having in your life and any limiting experiences you are having.
ThetaHealing® is instantaneous and changes may be felt straight away. Again because people are individuals, results may be different.
This is a consultation where we connect and talk about what’s happening. By asking questions pertaining to the information of the client I am directed by the Creator to bring the healing in though it is gentle and compassionate and we only go where the client is willing to go. It is profound and enlightening.
It is called ThetaHealing® because we go into a Theta mind state when connecting to the Creator Of All That Is to do the healing
You need to have a belief in a higher power. It can be called Universal Energy, Unconditional Love, Creator, Allah…it doesn’t matter what you call it, just a belief in that loving energy is required.
To find out more about this treatment and to book a session, please contact Lisa or book directly via the link below. If you are unsure of what to book can I suggest and invite you to make a call with me where we can see what it actually is that you require. Then we can combine all of the modalities that I offer to suit you in an individualised session plan for yourself.
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